Congratulations! You have made it to the last part of our implementation process. If you have been keeping up, then by now you will have created your first Dashboard maps and used them to take action. The last and most important stage is the regular review of activities.


Reviewing and refining your commitments and focus is at the heart of the "Getting Things Done" process, and is made easy by the dashboard maps that ResultsManager generates. In addition to the daily dashboard maps, you can use Review dashboard maps that are designed to support these critical reviews. They are organised differently than the one you use every day, because you only want to see some things weekly or monthly, and not daily.


The main purpose of reviews is to check that you are making progress on the things that are really important, and not letting them slip - either because of other interruptions, or because they are not well enough defined to take action on. Even when you use the Daily Actions dashboard map, you are making a mini-review of some of your activities. You can set up reviews in any way you wish; it matters more that you review your workload, than the precise process that you use. We suggest three levels of review; daily, weekly and monthly.


The Daily Review


  • Complete an "emergency scan", looking for things that are about to fall on your head
  • Sweep up all loose ends and new activities

Purpose of Daily review

  • To keep track of deadlines
  • To make the best use of your time by using Contexts
  • To check that your next actions are actionable

How to review

  • Look for next actions that are not clearly enough defined to take action on
  • Look ahead for the contexts that you are likely to be able to use today
  • Look at today's bring-forward or tickler file
  • Look ahead to tomorrow's calendar and bring-forward file to check whether you need to make any additional preparations

Time budget

  • A few minutes



The Weekly Review


  • Sweep up all loose ends and new activities
  • Get your in-boxes and in-trays to zero

Purpose of Weekly review

  • To check that you are making progress with Projects and Results
  • To identify the Next Actions in your Projects and Results for the next week

How to review

  • Check the Next Action for each of your current Projects and Results. Check that it is actionable and does not need any additional preparation such as a decision or some extra information. If it does, add it
  • Consider whether the Next Action on each of the Projects or Results is the one that is the most likely to deliver the outcome you want; if not, change its status to "uncommitted", go back to the original project map, and review the project again for a more productive Next Action. Remember, 20% of your actions create 80% of your achievements
  • Look for Committed projects and Results that have no Next Action. If you have used a Context for the next Weekly Review, look through these activities and decide what kind of activity they are, and whether you need to take action on them
  • If you have used a "Weekly Review" Context, check through the new ideas or inputs and decide whether to make them projects - do they contribute towards your higher level objectives?

Time budget

  • A couple of hours



The Monthly Review


  • Sweep up all loose ends and new activities

Purpose of Monthly review

  • To check that you are working on the right Projects, and that the Results and Actions you have identified in each Project are the best ones to take you forward
  • To add new Projects or close down old ones. The monthly review sets your main priorities for the month, against which any new opportunities or requests are evaluated

How to review

  • Look for uncommitted projects that should be activated
  • Look for projects that are running out of steam that you can deactivate
  • If you have used a "Monthly Review" Context, check through the new ideas or inputs and decide whether to make them projects - do they contribute towards your higher level objectives?
  • Review each of your committed projects in detail, and add or discard Action items and Results to keep the project focused on its outcome
  • Check that the project outcome statements reflect what you need the project to deliver, and that the Actions and Results are the ones most likely to deliver the outcome effectively. Re-prioritise them if necessary
  • Defer unimportant things until the next review, or put them on a bring-forward list or tickler file for consideration at a later date

Time budget

  • A few hours - this review and refocusing process is the most important work you will do each month, so it has to be worth your best quality time. Schedule the Monthly Review for a time when you are likely to be alert and inspired, not burnt out